Environmental Consulting
Our main objetive is working for nature conservation. In this field we have a large experience offering different services of environmental consulting.
Birds censuses
We have long experience making official censuses of different bird species: lesser
kestrel census in Extremadura 2018, sandgrouses census in Extremadura 2019,
wintering cranes census, wintering little bustard census, wintering western marsh-
harrier census, census of passerines, etc.
Biodiversity studies
In last years we have carried out different biodiversity studies for agricultural farms, in
order to make agricultural activity compatible with nature conservation.
Environmental education
We give workshops, courses and lectures on environmental education, birdwatching, birding tourism, nature conservation, etc.; both in public and private institutions.
Monitoring in power lines​
We carry out birdlife studies and environmental monitoring in power lines.
Environmental studies in solar plants
We have experience in studies and monitoring of biodiversity in solar plants of
Extremadura. We are specialized in the impact on birds and mammals; and possible
corrective measures.
Fauna monitoring​
We work on conservation plans and monitoring of protected species.