Visit to the La Albuera's plains and lagoons, constituted by different temporary lagoons between the dehesa. A great diversity of water birds can be observed in these wetlands, varying species according to the time of the year. Declared as a Site of Community Importance (LIC), as well as Zone for International Importance for Water Birds (Ramsar).
Also with the agricultural plains of the area is part of the SPA "Llanos y Complejo Lagunar de La Albuera". In these pseudo-steppes plains is a wide variety of steppe birds species.
DURATION: 4,5 hours.
1 pax: 130 €
2 pax: 150 € (75 € p/p)
3 pax: 180 € (60 € p/p)
4 pax: 200 € (50 € p/p)
5 pax: 220 € (45 € p/p)
6 pax: 240 € (40 € p/p)
EXCLUSIVE SERVICE: Don't share vehicle with other people, personalized service.
RECOMMENDED TIME: End of summer, autumn, winter and spring.
INCLUDE: Transport in 4x4, capacity for 6 clients, nature guides, binoculars for each one and telescope; and civil liability insurance.
Resident species
Great bustard, little bustard, black-shouldered kite, western marsh harrier, common buzzard, black vulture, griffon vulture, euroasian spoonbill.
Winter species
Common crane, euroasian wigeon, northern pintail, common teal, common pochard, hen harrier, short-eared owl, common redshank, common snipe, little stint.
Summer species
Gull-billed tern, collared pratincole, little tern, european bee-eater, black kite, booted eagle, montagu's harrier, euroasian roller, european turtle dove, purple heron.
Migrant species
Greater flamingo, yellow wagtail, whinchat, northern wheatear, tawny pipit, pied flycatcher, spotted flycatcher, common whitethroat, garden warbler, subalpine warbler.