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Plains of
La Serena


La Serena is one of the steppe areas with greater ornithological value in the Iberian Peninsula, due to the size and importance of their habitats and its species. It’s a great chance to see great bustard, little busteard, pint-tailed sandgrouse, black-billied sandgrouse, stone-curlew, montagu’s harrier, hen harrier, european roller, calandra lark, thekla lark, crested lark, greater short-toed lark, etc.


In addition, the plains are delimited to the south by the Sierra de Tiros, which offers the chance to see in the area interesting and spectacular species as golden eagle, Bonelli’s eagle, booted eagle, short-toed eagle, egyptian vulture, griffon vulture, black stork and many more.

DURATION: 4,5 hours.


1 pax: 170 €

                2 pax: 190 € (95 € p/p)

                3 pax: 210 € (70 € p/p)

                4 pax: 240 € (60 € p/p)

                5 pax: 250 € (50 € p/p)

                6 pax: 270 € (45 € p/p)

EXCLUSIVE SERVICE: Don't share vehicle with other people, personalized service.

RECOMMENDED TIME: End of summer, autumn, winter and spring.

INCLUDE: Transport in 4x4, capacity for 6 clients, nature guides, binoculars for each one and telescope; and civil liability insurance.


Resident species

Great bustard, little bustard, pin-tailed sandgrouse, black-bellied sandgrouse, stone-curlew, little owl, black vulture, griffon vulture, spanish imperial eagle, golden eagle, Bonelli’s eagle, common kestrel, western marsh harrier, calandra lark, wood lark, crested lark, thekla lark.

Winter species

Hen harrier, short-eared owl, red kite, common crane, european golden plover, eurasian dotterel, northern lapwing, sociable lapwing, euroasian skylark.

Summer species

Euroasian roller, montagu's harrier, lesser kestrel, black kite, booted eagle, short-toed eagle, european bee-eater, great short-toed lark.

Migrant species

Norther wheatear, whinchat, tawny pipit, black-eared wheatear, pallid harrier.

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